Dental Implants
Unlike other restorative dentistry procedures, dental implants replace your natural tooth roots because they are nestled into your jaw. This provides a strong, sturdy hold
that feels very natural for our patients. Following your implant placement by our neighboring periodontist, Dr. Ricciardi can attach a dental restoration to the implants
depending on how many teeth need replacing:
- Zirconia or porcelain dental crowns
- (Partial) implant-supported bridges
- Implant-retained dentures
Regardless of the particular option you choose, your new teeth will look and feel great! You’ll also be able to eat the foods you love most in comfort! Dental implants
are actually easy to maintain and can be placed with a 98 percent success rate. That's phenomenal!
Mini Dental Implants
Mini dental implants are exactly what they sound like: smaller versions of dental implants. They’re a perfect restorative option for patients lacking sufficient bone
density for a standard dental implant.
The recovery period is shorter for mini dental implants, and you can forgo gum or bone grafting.