Dr. Ricciardi and his team at his Hamilton, NJ dental office know that the holidays can be a stressful time for one and all. A side effect of the additional stress in your life can be bruxism. Bruxism often occurs at night while you’re asleep and it’s the grinding and clenching of your teeth. If you wake up with any of these symptoms it could be a sign you’re sleep a grinder:
- Sore jaw
- Headache
- Stiff neck and shoulders
- Still tired despite getting a full night’s sleep
As you can imagine, the long-term effects of bruxism on your teeth and your jaws are not good:
Wear your teeth down prematurely
Cause or worsen your TMJ disorder
Fracture a tooth
Our office can fit you with a night guard to protect your teeth from the effects of bruxism, but you can also follow these handy tips to try to reduce some of the stress in your life that might be causing your teeth grinding and clenching.
#1 Exercise
As little as 5-minutes of aerobic exercise can trigger the stress-eliminating benefits of physical activity. Exercise increases endorphins and endorphins boost your mood. You don’t have to be an Olympian either. Activities like yoga, power walking, and swimming are just as beneficial for relieving stress as more strenuous activities like running or kickboxing.
When you’re focused on your body you’re not focused on everything else going on in your life. Exercise also improves your physical health which will make you feel better overall. Plus working out can lead to more restful sleep.
#2 Meditation
Meditation has existed for centuries and is practiced widely in certain cultures. One of the best things about meditation is that it’s free. When your mind is going a mile a minute, meditation can help you focus your thoughts and find peace. There are many different types of meditation and some pretty great meditation apps out there to help you out if you’re a beginner. The more regularly you practice meditation the more effective it will be for you.
#3 Massage
Treat yourself to a massage. Massage can:
- Lower your heart rate
- Lower your blood pressure
- Relax your muscles
- Put you in a peaceful state
Massage is more widely available and has become more affordable over the years. You could even try swapping shoulder massages with a pal if you’re not able to get in to see a specialist. Massaging your jaw can also provide temporary relief from muscle strain caused by bruxism or TMJ.
Incorporating a regular stretching routine into your day can also keep you limber between massages and release tension built up in your muscles and tendons. If you have a job where you sit for long periods of time, stretching can help with your physical health and provide little breaks in your day.
#4 Unplug
Close the laptop. Put the phone down. Over stimulation and constant demands can contribute to your stress levels. Whether you leave your phone behind as you head off for a walk or commit to not checking your emails after dinner, truly scheduling some downtime into your day can help refresh you.
A retreat or even just a family camping trip can be a great way to unplug for an entire weekend. Make sure you allow yourself time to do solo activities you enjoy like reading and other hobbies. Without time to relax your stress can get the best of you.
#5 Speak To A Professional
If talking things over with a friend or spouse doesn’t seem to be reducing your stress levels you might consider speaking to a mental health professional. There are several different types of counseling that can help you figure out how to bring balance back into your life. You might find that one visit is all you need or create a plan for ongoing care.
Many people have also found support groups, religious organizations, and self-help books beneficial during times of stress. It’s perfectly normal to need a hand every now and then managing your stress levels.
Get A Night Guard For Bruxism
While you figure out the best to manage your stress, don’t let your teeth suffer. Dr. Ricciardi can get you fitted for a night guard that will protect your teeth form the effects of bruxism. If your teeth have already experienced noticeable damage from teeth grinding might be able to help you with one of our restorative services:
- Dental veneers
- Dental crowns
- Root canal
- Dental bridge
Give us a call at 609-752-3293 to schedule your appointment.
Don’t let stress-induced bruxism ruin your teeth. Pair a night guard with these 5 tips for fighting stress. Need more help? Call us at 609-752-3293.
Bruxism, teeth grinding, stress-relief